
Hockey for Eden Winners!

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Big congratulations go out to Jackie Albright and Lindsay Haase, the winners of PSC’s Hockey for Eden challenge! Together, the two raised more than $3,500 for the Build a House Project benefiting MSgt Eden Pearl. As a result, the pair won 100 level seats to last nights Caps game against the Tampa Bay Lightning! The rest of the participants, and some lucky volunteers, were also rewarded with tickets for their support of PSC! … [more]

Doing Our Part in Building a House for an American Hero

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Last Saturday night was our second and last hockey happy hour at the Front Page in Arlington in support of our Build A House Project. The turn out was great! We had lots of people there ready to cheer the Capitals on to victory and see if they won lunch with Nick Backstrom and Marcus Johansson. I had received several calls that day about people wanting to get last minute tickets and support the cause!

At the event, we had several people come up and just donate to the cause. We even had one Marine, currently serving, come to our table to learn more about the cause and donate some money. He was very touched by what we are doing as he has done two tours in Afghanistan himself. That moment was very humbling for me and made me feel like all of the hard work we have been putting into this cause is really worth while, not only for the Pearl family, but for our military community as well. … [more]

Combined Federal Campaign Approved!

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PS Charities is an appoved charity with the Combined Federal Campaign. Our CFC Code Number is 28000. This is great news but what does being a CFC approved charity mean to you? … [more]